Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How do you make an image clearer after resizing it using paint bucket?

I am looking for a clip art picture of a bunny, horse, parrot, emu, and billy goat that fill up a whole piece of paper; it is for a day camp I am helping with. Anyway, I found some pictures that would work, except when I stretch them out that big, they get really fuzzy because they have bad picture quality. Using photoshop, I know you can make things clear, but I only have paint bucket, so any advice, tips, anything? :)How do you make an image clearer after resizing it using paint bucket?
If a photo is of poor quality or small ,the moment you make it bigger the quality gets worse and even photoshop would

not help you. No matter what you have heard Photoshop can not make a photo clear if it is blurry to begin with.

All I can suggest is to find photos that have a higher quality

then the ones you have already picked . Sorry.

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